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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Seizure triggers: Identifying common triggers and ways to manage epilepsy

Epilepsy, a neurological disorder characterised by recurrent seizures, can be influenced by various triggers hence, recognising these triggers and implementing strategies to manage them is crucial for individuals living with epilepsy to optimise their seizure control and overall quality of life.
In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr Vinit Banga, Associate Director- Neurology and Head Neuro Intervention at BLK Max Super Speciality Hospital, revealed a list of common triggers that includes –
Dr Shrey Srivastav, Associate Professor- Internal Medicine at Sharda Hospital in Greater Noida, recommended –
Dr Shrey Srivastav advised, “Educating family members, friends, coworkers and caregivers about epilepsy and seizure first aid protocols can increase awareness and support for seizure management in various settings. Recognising common triggers for epilepsy and implementing effective strategies to manage them are essential components of seizure management and overall well-being for individuals living with epilepsy.”
By identifying and addressing triggers through lifestyle modifications, medication management, environmental adjustments and stress reduction techniques, individuals with epilepsy can optimise their seizure control and lead fulfilling lives. Working closely with healthcare providers and support networks can provide valuable guidance and resources for navigating the challenges associated with epilepsy management.
